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Protect Your Child Today

 Kid’s love wearing our Children’s ID Bracelets

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CHILDRENS ID BRACELETS SPORTSTAGIDChildrens Identification BraceletsDIABETIC BRACELETS for children, womans diabetic ID

 SportsTag*ID our incredible well made and designed Children’s {medical id}. Your child’s data is engraved incase of emergency. It’s a cool silicone ID bracelet that your kids will love to wear. This child’s ID is well designed for Event ID, event braceletschildren’s medical {medical id} that kids just seem to love wearing and showing off to all their friends. Its no secret that Kids today are smarter, faster and better and they will not settle for something that, well. . . you know…isn’t COOL-FUN-TRENDY and Colourful. Something that expresses their zest for life and something that says “It’s My ID”. SportsTag*ID is just that. As a child’s ID Bracelet it fits perfectly as it can be adjusted by its cut to size indexing marks. As for FUN…well the colours and the inscription make this ID Bracelet a child’s dream piece of {medical id}.

For the parent, its the ultimate piece of mind allowing you to know that incase of emergency if your child cannot speak or something happens, this data could be life saving. Once again our Ultra Silicone ID Bracelet, MADE BETTER-FEELS BETTER-FITS BETTER rings true. We receive numerous emails of parents saying:

Our Child got lost being shy,the ID bracelet provided the necessary information. We were contacted immediately- Best of all they love this childrens {medical id} Bracelet and refuse to take it off! This is very reassuring for us as we believe it could be life saving


“It’s Not Just Another ID Bracelet-It’s Genuine SportsTag*ID “It’s My ID”

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World's Best Source For Medical ID, Runners ID, Cycling ID & Sports ID Bracelets-Waterproof Pet ID